Training doesn’t always go to plan. I’ve definitely had my fair share of bloopers and set backs. I have shared a few of my bloopers on my instagram page @niamhsgymstagram but thankfully nothing major. Set backs and #fails are disappointing but you just need to get up, dust yourself off and start again. I know when things don’t go to plan I can get super cross with myself.
I am a perfectionist so I get annoyed when things are not right and I try again and again and again and then I get tired and then it goes wrong. I do need to learn to stop, reset and try again tomorrow before disasters strikes whether that be mental (tears, self doubt) or physical (pain and injury).
Turn a Set back into success! –
It’s great to set yourself small goals on route to your big goal. It’s awesome kicking goals and it shows you are on the right path. Small goals also help me control my disasters as I’m slowly building up to the big goal not diving straight in and feeling disappointed.