I love gymnastics and having my club close because of the coronavirus has been really hard, disappointing and frustrating. It’s great to get guidance from your coach, they always tell you to do one little thing you forgot and then it just works, like magic! Not having that has been tricky but I have still been able to train at home with my Little Gym Shop equipment.
I have been so very lucky to receive some amazing Little Gym Shop presents from my family over the last couple of years. I have been able to continue my training everyday using my home training equipment and each week check in with my clubs youtube videos along with watch the #lgstribe videos from olympians Georgia Bonora and Mel Wu.
Stay home – Stay safe
Also the Little Gym Shop put on an amazing competition the #LGSgames2020 which I was so grateful to be a part off. It was fun, full of positivity and of course amazing gymnasts.